CSA Week 10!

Dear friends, 

I wrote out a blog post that took me 2 hours and it was erased due to unforeseen circumstances. So as it is the end of another long week and the night before market, I will keep this short. What I had written was very good and long and meaningful, I assure you, and I am kicking myself that it was lost. I can't recreate it so I'm not even going to try. But I can tell you that it was about how challenging July can be for a farmer. But that we continue because we believe in living life as much off the land as possible and that we want to bring a piece of that land to you. It's also one of the only fields of work that I have been in where I don't feel in competition with my fellow farmers, but in collaboration to change the corrupt and twisted food system that exists in our country. We found out earlier this week that another friend's barn burned down. Paul and Robin of Hill and Hollow lost their barn and a heap of farm equipment last Wednesday and if you would like to help them get back on their feet you can contribute to their gofundme campaign here: https://www.gofundme.com/2eea5wc 

I also wanted to mention that we've been supplying quite a few restaurants lately and we thought you might think it was special if you went somewhere that's supporting your farmers! Here's a quick list of our most supportive restaurants: 

Rolf and Daughters, Bastion, Avo, Treehouse, 51st Kitchen, SloCo, The Treehouse, butcher and bee, Adele's, Silo, Josephine, too name a few. 

Here are some photos showing what we've been up to lately! 

This week we are collaborating with two farms to bring y'all a couple of crops we don't have. These are friends that we know and trust their growing methods to be up to our standards. Christian of Pond Creek Gardens will be contributing green beans and Crsystal and Chris of Glen Leven Farm will be contributing sweet corn. Yippee! 

This week in the CSA you'll get about 1 lb green beans, 4 ears sweet corn, 1.5lb tomatoes, 1 pint cherries, 1-2 onions, 1.5 lb cucumbers, .8 lbs carrots, 1.5 lb squash, 1.5 lb potatoes, a big bunch of basil, a small bunch of holy basil, and perhaps some flowers if we have extra on Tuesday. 


Crispy Corn Salad

Grilled Green Bean Salad with Lentils and Quinoa

Zucchini and yellow Squash with tomato

Veggie Quesadillas

Pasta Primavera

Summer Veggie Pasta 

Enjoy everything this week and as always, email us with any questions or if you need any more ideas about how to cook something! 


Thanks! and love, 

Jesse, Lizzie, Tony, Devan, Megan, Austeja, Gabe, Winnie, Stormy and his squash friend, Ducks, Cows, and Sheep. 

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