CSA Week 22! and update!
Hi Friends!
First off a schedule!
The last week of the CSA:
Members of the Vandy Research Study + Brandon: CSA Week 23 Thursday Oct 26. (Saturday Oct. 28th for Deb)
Odd Half Share Members: Week 23 (Monday pick ups October 23, Saturday October 28th)
Even Half Share Members, and everyone else: Week 24 (Monday Oct 30, Saturday Nov. 4th)
That said, I want to remind you all that CSA members get 10% off our Richland Park Market Booth for the rest of 2017. That includes veggies, bread, and 100% grass-fed lamb.
Please email me with any questions about this!
Also! We were featured in the Nashville Scene this week! Richland Park Farmers market was voted best Farmers Market! And we were mentioned in the write up!
Ok, we don't grow musk melons, but press is press!!!!!! We'll take it!
also we are hoping to have lamb back at market at the October 21st Saturday market. We'll let you know for sure later in the week.
Man, what a week! We had an absolutely crazy week last week! We got a lot accomplished with the sheep! We separated all of the lambs for weening, trimmed all hooves and we treated animals who looked a little peaky and anemic. They started at 7:30am and ended at 10pm! Thank you to Liz, Sean and Molly for helping make that happen! Monday was spent preparing for Tuesday's long work. Wednesday everyone was exhausted so Regan and I took on the harvest alone and got everything harvested more Thursdays market and CSA done. Thursday Jesse and I went to market, and both of us came home. Friday Liz, Sean and Jesse had further sheep work to do so Tony and I harvested everything for market and CSA on Saturday! Plus we got everything washed and packed by lunch!
So yes! We are exhausted! Last wednesday was Jesse and I's 3rd wedding anniversary! Despite the chaotic week we were able to escape to get dinner. Which was lovely. One thing we talked about was a way to reduce the work load for me (and Birdie) as we put in a 60 hour week this week! yikes!
So we've decided to eliminate our summer crops so we have more time to focus on getting the rest of our fall projects finished without overdoing it. We've got enough fall crops to cover the CSA and market. Which is great!
SO I hereby say see ya peppers, see ya eggplant, see ya okra, see ya beans, see ya flowers, adios chilis!! Bring on planting strawberries and garlic! Bring on the sweet potato harvest! Winter squash! Cabbage and kale! Chard and more!
We're excited about getting all of this stuff done and gardens ready to hibernate for the winter so we can get prepped for this little baby coming! We're getting excited to get all the baby stuff together, the nursery ready, go to our childbirth classes and to spend a little time alone together when we're not super busy before this baby comes and changes things forever!
Well without further ado, here's your CSA this week!
Cilantro, Hakurei turnips, New England Pie Pumpkin, shunkyo Semi-long radishes, Lettuce, Cabbage, Broccoli, Arugula, Sweet Potatoes, Chard, and ugly garlic.
yay!! Fall Has arrived!!!! Please let us know if you have any needs for recipes!
Finally! We are lucky to have our friends Emily and her sweet pup pal Maple visiting till Tuesday. Young Maple is keeping Winnie on her toes! But she's super cuddly.
Thanks so much for your support, sweet friends!
Love, your farmers,
Lizzie, Jesse, Tony, Molly, Regan, Noah, Emily and Maple, Winnie, Stormy (hiding from Maple), sheep, and cows